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As far as in a sentence

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Sentence count:188+9Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in so far asharassmentas foras fromas followscrashtrashphrase
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151, As far as I'm concerned, you can forget about it.
152, As far as I'm concerned she can come home whenever she likes.
153, We got as far as the school, and there we had to make a right turn.
154, We've got as far as collecting our data but we haven't analysed it yet.
155, The blast was felt as far as 30 miles from ground zero.
156, As far as I'm concerned the officials incited the fight.
157, The trail's gone cold. I tracked the boy as far as the factory, but there it ended.
158, I'll walk with you as far as the bus stop.
159, As far as grammar is concerned, I have grasped it.
160, The ocean stretched as far as they could see on all sides.
161, The river steamers only went up as far as Mandalay.
162, But this didn't frustrate Einstein. He was content to go as far as he could.
163, There's been no change, as far as I can tell.
164, As far as health is concerned, it's a truism that prevention is better than cure.
165, Walk along the canal as far as the far as.html
166, That's absolutely true as far as I am concerned.
167, As far as I know, he does nothing but act as adviser to the priesthood on technical details.
168, As far as we know, no other statistical analysis simulation software has even pro-posed doing this.
169, As far as she could remember they'd spent the time discussing potential ideas for his proposed advertising campaign.
170, Now take hold of your top leg by the ankle and pull back the leg as far as possible without straining.
171, As far as physical abuse and neglect is concerned, a variety of factors may put a family at risk.
172, In return, Blackpool trams were granted access to the Company tracks as far as Lytham, but rarely exercised the privilege.
173, The plant and its surrounding acreage stretch as far as the eye can see.
174, He was known to be a political activist, but as far as we know had no record of violence.
175, The guns were all along the river bank as far as I could see.
176, My country has adopted individual rights in principle, but as far as it goes, it means men, not women.
177, Go as far as you can see, and when you get there you will see farther. Thomas Carlyle 
178, Because, as far as Juliet could see, there were two ways in which Donna could have received her AB blood group.
179, Jack crept up as far as he dared and then froze. To his amazement he found himself looking at Tina.
180, As far as age was concerned, absentees were more likely to be senior pupils, S4 and above.
More similar words: in so far asharassmentas foras fromas followscrashtrashphrasecamerasArabcontrastparadegaragecontrast toby contrastfar and awayembarrassedfar and nearbearableclear awayparalysiscomparableseparationreparationinfrastructurecharacterizecharacteristicyear after year
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